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universidade lusófona

AI Workshop 2024

July 15 to July 19, 2024

From July 15 to July 19, 2024,the REMARKABLE team was at the AI Workshop 2024 in Porto, Portugal, where the team was convening with four other prominent European-funded project teams (ROBUST, AIAS, DAIS, and CyberSecPro), with the aim at synergizing their efforts to address shared challenges related with AI in distinct applications (ranging from deploying advanced IoT solutions in remote environments to developing AI-driven eHealth systems for remote patient monitoring, and from enhancing cybersecurity frameworks to fostering digital transformation in critical sectors). This one-week collaborative event provided a unique opportunity for interdisciplinary exchange and exploration, interesting knowledge-sharing sessions and and hands-on workshops. It was also a great opportunity for the team to carry out the mid-term review of the project work with the Project Officer and raise awareness about the project work to technical and broader audience.